FAQs - Questions on how to use this forum? Read on

FAQs - Questions on how to use this forum? Read on

Frequently asked questions on how to use the Caregiving.com forum. If you don’t get an answer to your question, feel free to email us at helloforum@caregiving.com.

1. Do I need a profile to comment on forum?

Everyone needs a profile to interact on the Caregiving.com forum. This will allow you to also set preferences and curate the type of articles you want to see. Please create a new profile here.

2. What topics can be discussed?

All topics will be centered around caregiving and your experiences. Commenting on articles and videos will also help you start the conversation with caregivers in this community.

3. Is this information private?

The forum is a public place to interact with others who are going through similar caregiving experiences in the Caregiving.com community.

4. Can I share an article with a friend who is not on the forum?

Yes, please feel free to share any of our content that you think will be helpful to your circle of caregiving friends. Simply select the url, copy and paste it in an email for your friend.

5. Who moderates this forum?

Caregiving.com staff and volunteer moderators who are experience caregivers will be moderating the forum to make sure all is running smoothly. If you run into a problem, feel free to email us at support@caregiving.com.